Bodhgaya Marathon: Where Athletics & Spiritualism Meet

The sport of athletics like walking and jumping has its roots in the pre-historic era. Athletics events were depicted in the ancient tombs of Egypt in Saqqara with illustration of running and high jumping appearing in tombs from as early as 2250 BC. In modern era, athletics competitions were held in Shrewsbury and Sandhurst in the United Kingdom in early 1800s. Athletics events were included in the 1896 Olympics games as well.

Marathon sport was born in the sea beach of Greece in 490 BC. Greek soldiers Pheidippides was sent to Athens from the battle field of Marathon to inform the rulers about the victory against the Persians. It is said that the soldier completed the distance without stopping anywhere and burst into the royal assembly to break the news. The very route believed to have been used by Pheidippides is the route of the modern day Athens Marathon. Marathon was first included in the 1896 Olympics. But the official distance of 42.195 kilometers was first run in 1921.

By successfully organizing Lumbini PEACE Marathon in Lumbini – the birthplace of the Buddha, we have given this athletics sport of marathon a new spiritual dimension i.e. spiritual sports. We have introduced a new genre of thematic marathon, wherein participants complete athletic sports of marathon and at the same time get opportunity to immerse themselves into spirituality. As they run on the trail once walked by the Buddha himself, they will feel spiritually enriched and get enlightened in their own level of wisdom.